Amazing Mary Jane #1 Review

Writer: Leah Williams

Art: Carlos E. Gomez

Price: $3.99

Release Date: October 23rd, 2019

MJ is in Hollywood hoping to make it big in the movie business. Not only will she have to fight the usual Hollywood stereotypes, but also some other things that aren’t as they would seem. Let’s find out what they are!

I’ll admit as soon as I saw the first few panels with MJ in her latex costume I sighed and thought “really?” Then I kept reading and was pleasantly surprised. Leah Williams does a great job of quickly introducing us to the characters and does it in a way that isn’t awkward at all. Like these could actually be real conversations. The latex costume is actually addressed, by the director, who is not all who he seems to be. MJ does still wear the latex costume for 2/3rds of the issue though.

The whole premise of this movie that MJ is the star of is pretty far fetched. It’s a vehicle of sorts to make a villain seem sympathetic. How this will actually happen is a big part of the story, that I won’t entirely spoil. The villain is pretty upfront about his goals and how he wants to achieve them. MJ possibly being caught up in the hoopla of trying to make it big in Hollywood goes along with the plan.

Peter and MJ do have a phone conversation that works well with the story. I was, however, hoping MJ could stand on her own in her own book without Peter.

And while I really enjoyed the art overall, the “dance-off” page is the only time I had to ask myself what I was actually looking at. Instead of dancing, it looks like Peter is doing everything he can not pee his pants.

As our debut issue closes we get a nice cliffhanger showing us all the bad guys MJ will no doubt have to deal with as we move along in this series.

Final Thoughts:

Despite a far-fetched story, this issue has pretty much what I want in a comic. Really good art, for the most part, and a FUN story. Throw in a few nice easter eggs that long-time fans will no doubt pick up on, and we’ve got a good start to this ongoing series.
