Cable #7 Review

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Art: Phil Noto, VC’s Joe Sabino, and Tom Muller


Price: $3.99

Release Date: January 20th, 2021

Spiraling from the spectacle that was X OF SWORDS, CABLE reverts to the problem of missing mutant babies with a helping hand from Rachel Summers. Let’s jump back CABLE #7 by Gerry Duggan to see who’s really behind this baby caper as well as who’s the true leader of the Order of the X.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

Readers, I’ve missed Duggan’s CABLE. Out of all the X-MEN series under Jonathan Hickman to date, CABLE has felt like the most down to Earth… and he even fought Space Knights for Pete’s Peppers! Nonetheless, my point is that this series has been refreshing to the extent that Duggan hasn’t had world-ending catastrophes, infestations, interplanetary zombies, intergalactic wars, vampires, and upstart secret organizations. For the most part, CABLE has been street level, entertainingly irresistible, and easily digestible which has genuinely been like a breath of fresh air.

Ultimately, this issue felt like a mutant buddy cop episode where two would be Detectives (Rachel and CABLE) use their powers to find the missing babies and put a stop to this underground kidnapping cult. Duggan plays this story extremely fast and loose, sprinkles in some situational humor, and again finds a way to get me to like this young CABLE a bit more each issue. Additionally, there’s just enough action to keep the reader interested while Duggan blatantly dangles a huge carrot at the end of the issue to add a bit more “strife” to the story while pointing fans towards the new direction and purpose of the series.

However, it would be careless of me to not mention Phil Noto and his remarkable artistic chops. I love the heavy linework and the sharp colors that make each character pop off the page. Furthermore, Noto does a phenomenal job guiding the reader from panel to panel implementing the action and movement within the story masterfully. Noto’s illustrations shine with the visage and detail of each character’s face adding so much style and expression to the narrative. Look no further than the last page spread of CABLE’S new lady friend joining him on his journey to see just how sensational Noto’s illustrations truly are.


It’s been so long since Duggan has focused on this baby caper. Technically, this series was so rudely interrupted by X OF SWORDS with issue 6, and before that, the story helped set up S.W.O.R.D. So, it’s been a long time for Duggan to try to get back to his regularly scheduled program and I truly forgot how much I missed this story. That said, Duggan has always found a way throughout this series to make CABLE fun, interesting, and enjoyable. Furthermore, this issue sees CABLE using his powers more and ushers the story into a more familiar direction for long-time fans. If I was to guess, I feel like Duggan’s plan is to restore CABLE to his older form down the line. However, he’s going to have some fun with him along the way, which flashes throughout as each issue progresses. I sincerely recommend picking this issue up and adding it to your pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


If you’re interested in CABLE #7, click HERE to get a copy! Or, click HERE to grab Gerry Duggan’s CABLE trades and volumes. Maybe you’ve been really digging Hickman’s X-MEN run? In that case, click HERE to get your hands on the latest Dawn of X trades and comics. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Thank you all for the read and continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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