King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 Review

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg

Art: Juan Ferreyra, VC’s Joe Sabino, Dan Brown, and Kyle Hotz


Price: $3.99

Release Date: January 13th, 2021

A battalion of vicious space dragons has landed to wreck and destroy the Earth. And, it appears as though they want to commence with New York City. Good news for the NYC because Mayor Wilson Fisk has a plan! He’s creating a super team of murderers, mercenaries, and general misfits like Rhino, Batroc the Leaper, Mr. Fear, Star, and Taskmaster to save the day. The fate of the planet may rest in the hands of the worst and most idiotic people in the Marvel Universe. What could go wrong? Let’s dive into KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1 by Matthew Rosenberg and see if this band of rejects can pull out the unexpected win for Planet Earth.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

There are a couple of different directions you can take to this issue/ series. So, without knowing Rosenberg’s true intent, I’m going to formulate some educated guesses as to the direction I think he was taking throughout this tie-in. I assume that Rosenberg is using KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS as a sort of tongue in cheek joke meant to be humorous more than anything else. The team itself has C and D-listers encompassing the foundation of this new iteration of THUNDERBOLTS including a few that we never really get their name. In essence, that’s part of the mockery. Sure, STAR and TASKMASTER are probably the biggest known hitters and have/ had ongoing series recently. Nonetheless, Rosenberg hammers home the silly throughout this opening installment making it seem rather trivial and almost pointless.

A tie-in is meant to contribute to the overall event. However, I left KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1 wondering what it gives fans other than some slapstick chuckles and comedic satire. Fans will see symbiotes, action, death, destruction, and some utter nonsense. But realistically, we learn nothing new about the event and get no further insight into the inner workings of Knull’s attack. Nevertheless, this type of story lends itself well to Juan Ferreyra’s artistic style. The character’s mannerisms, as well as the panel progressions and focus help add to the mood Rosenberg was looking to attain. Together, Rosenberg and Ferreyra champion a reasonably entertaining issue that truly is nonessential to the overall story… at least as of right now.


KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1 is mainly for individuals that are fans of TASKMASTER, STAR, or BATROC THE LEAPER. Yes, it’s a KING IN BLACK related title but other than it taking place in New York City, as well as having some symbiotes sprinkled in, you’d never really see it’s connection or purpose to the main event. Plus, how many people are searching for stories containing the three characters referenced above? Additionally, it’s not “really” the THUNDERBOLTS… or at least what I would think of as that team. And finally, the silly, almost ridiculous level of action and death may have been a bit too over the top for this reviewer. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for something entertaining, KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1 will make you chuckle and keep you amused. Still, is it worth grabbing? Maybe if you got money to spend? However, I think it’s a pass for me this week.


If you’re interested in KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1, click HERE to get a copy! Maybe you’d like to catch up on the THUNDERBOLTS? If so, click HERE! Additionally , if you’re interested in the KING IN BLACK event, click HERE to get caught up on Donny Cates’ VENOM now with related comics and trades! And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Thank you all for the read and continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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One thought on “King in Black: Thunderbolts #1 Review

  1. Thanks for the review. Yeah, Matthew Rosenberg really tried too hard to write this iteration of the Thunderbolts as if they’re the Suicide Squad. I did like some parts and the art, but I wouldn’t recommend this issue. The only standout character to me was Mister Fear, but I’m not sure if this is how he normally is.


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