Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists #4 Review

Writer: Leah Williams
Artist: Georges Jeanty, Roberto Poggi, Jim Charalampidis
Cover Artist: Rahzzah
Release Date: May 29, 2019
Cover Price: $3.99

Out of all the Age of X-Man books, this one started out the weakest. Especially from the ongoing cookie sheet gag in the first issue. Even with this strange team, we don’t really get much from them except so far just Blob and Psylocke. Pretty sure that basically all of these Age of X-Man books are about loving each other, even though after next issue the X-Men stories are just going to be rebooted. Let’s dig in and see what we have here…

We start the issue a few moments after where we left off, with Blob telling Moneta that she is fired for being the reason they caused the havoc and making people afraid of them. Psylocke is being a very nice girlfriend? Side attraction? A nice close friend might be better. Too bad Northstar sees her being a bit too close to him and starts noticing maybe there is something going on as he bolts out.

So far through this run, we only know him as the guy who speaks French, is very quite, and bit of a loner. So when we see Northstar flying through air talking about himself, it seems like it is supposed to mean something. His whole character development through this issue and miniseries is what is making this issue feel so weak.

The next day Bobby, I think it is Bobby though can’t tell by how bad the art is, is talking to Northstar about some ugly sweatshirt. At that point Bobby takes off… Yep that happened. But then Psylocke and Blob shows up to announce there has been two reports of illegal activity, one of the places, Northstar gets a strange look on is face as he requests to go to that one.

While Northstar is gone, Bobby and Moneta try to get stuff down. Bobby is tired of it and wants to leave so he does, but as he leaves Moneta does something strange with her hands as they leach onto her and we are told some Mutants have the ability to remember. We see that Bobby is following the same lead that Northstar wanted to go on which was a run down movie theater that lovers meet to have some fun. And when Northstar found Bobby following him, the art really is not doing anything for this book except thinking about stopping me from continue.

Now Rictor, Northstar, and Bobby are on the roof having some drinks and open up. While Northstar opens up, Bobby gives him a kiss on the forehead. Then out of nowhere Jubilee lights the streets on fire by saying she has a kid and wants payback, as they all agreed to help her fight.

Final Thoughts:

With being the last issue before it comes to an end, so much happened that just happened out of nowhere. So when you are fired from the team, you just get your mind wiped and you still stay on the team, even though couldn’t they have done that to Colossus in the way beginning instead of sending him to prison. The dialogue for Bobby is just wow awful! Leah better not be on any future Iceman books. The stuff about Jubilee came right out of left field and just flowed terribly. The art couldn’t even save this issue. Some panels the characters don’t even have faces.


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