Cable #8 Review

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Art: Phil Noto, VC’s Joe Sabino, and Tom Muller


Price: $3.99

Release Date: February 17th, 2021

Recently on CABLE, he was out of leads tracking down the Order of the X but managed to take down the Cult anyway. However, in doing so, he discovered Stryfe was secretly involved and leading an entire underground Mutant Baby Cult. Let’s jump into CABLE #8 by Gerry Duggan to see why CABLE’S evil clone is here and why he’s stealing Mutant babies. Luckily, DOMINO is on the case. So, hopefully, she shares a little of that mojo of hers to help put an end to this evil Cabal once and for all.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


As usual, Duggan makes this adventure quick, action-packed, and comical. It’s practically his style since the series began. Now, I’m not upset with that by any stretch. Many of the current ongoing X-MEN titles are more serious and heavy. Duggan’s CABLE has become a good pallet refresher like HELLIONS in that regard. However, HELLIONS gets its funnies from dark, insane twists while Duggan’s humor is more angst and situational which I love. And, what could be more angsty than a young CABLE on a “not date” with DOMINO?

DOMINO is without a doubt the star of the show in this week’s CABLE edition. She’s not only the focus but almost singlehandedly drops the Order of the X located in Tokyo. Moreover, Duggan makes her the star of the show. Ben Percy wrote a pretty strong DOMINO in X-FORCE early on. Nevertheless, Duggan’s DOMINO is much more fun, exciting, cocky, and wild. I’d love to see more of her from Duggan in the future.

My biggest peeve from the issue is merely the continued “Future” story from CABLE that we proceed to get sprinkled at the end of each issue with very little guidance or direction. Scanning through the back issues, I’ve tried to compile just those sections together to see if they make more sense to read concurrently. Alas, I’m still at a loss. So my point is, they are merely teased. I feel like we should have a bit more with that story being eight-issue along at this point. Therefore, if you think you’ll discover more about the O.G. CABLE this issue, you may have to wait another month. But, a few more minor questions will be ironed out this issue involving Stryfe’s intentions.


Could anyone argue that as soon as you see his artwork, you just know it’s Phil Noto? Not many artists can do that nowadays. However, his unique style is his own and it resonates throughout the entire comic community. It’s clean and yet also feels brushed or painted on a canvas. Additionally, there is just something about his style that always seems so balanced. From his linework and colors to even the positioning of his lighter tones, his work always appears proportional and refined. Heck, the detail alone in the chase scene outside while it was raining was remarkable. The electricity was so bright and charged while the rain droplets hit CABLES face making the setting so realistic. Or, the way Noto incorporated colors within the puddles outside from the billboards at night. These are some of the smallest components that make this issue come to life.


I think readers forget that the writer may deliver the story and plot itself but it’s the artist who brings the tale to life. The action, the suspense, and the movement are all products of the artist. Sure, it’s Duggan who creates the premise and intrigue but we can’t overlook what the artist brings to the story. CABLE has been blessed with a great writer as well as a lead artist. And from my experience, it’s really hard to not like a comic when you have such a dynamic pair like Noto and Duggan. My only hope is that we find out more about the story taking place in “another time” real soon. However, until we get there, Duggan and Noto continue to make Kid CABLE more interesting than I could have imagined.


If you’re interested in CABLE #8, click HERE to get a copy! 

Check out our other Weird Science Reviews HERE or grab another perspective from The Comic Book Dispatch right HERE.




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