Ravencroft #4 Review

Writer: Frank Tieri

Art: Angel Unzueta, Rachelle Rosenberg, VC’s Joe Sabino, Kyle Hotz, and Dan Brown

Price: $3.99

Release Date: May 13th, 2020

After weeks of missing out on your favorite Marvel Comics, they are finally back my Amazing Friends! And, this reviewer is ecstatic to get back into the swing of things with the digital-only comics released this week. Now, there might not be many issues but it’s certainly refreshing to finally get some new comics again! So, after such a long hiatus from Ravencroft, this comic fan had to take the time to re-read issues one through three in order to be completely submerged within this week’s installment. That said, where are we in the story as this issue opens? I’m glad you asked! Ravencroft was rebuilt after the Absolute Carnage event only to be reconstructed over this group of creatures calling themselves the Unwanted. Well, they’ve taken over Ravencroft and captured John Jameson and Misty Knight. But who are these Unwanted? And, where did the come from? Furthermore, what do they want? Let’s dive into Ravencroft #4 by Frank Tieri and find out!

Readers, if you’re searching for an informative issue telling you what the heck is going on in this story, this is definitely it. Tieri answers most of your questions gives the leading “unwanted” villain/creature a name and explains his “budding” desires. However, I found myself more interested in the beginning pages of the history involving J. Jonah Jamison and this mysterious man than I did with the unveiling of the villain and his driving purpose. Comic fans, there is no reason for a mystery man at the beginning of the issue that’s only about two pages of the entire book to draw my attention more than the last two-thirds of the comic. Likewise, I also left questioning the connection between the two. Tieri ends the narrative without connecting the beginning and the end together. It’s just missing a… purpose, point, or direction. There’s no connective tissue other than showing readers that the Unwanted have been there for decades. Hopefully, as this series wraps up, Tieri can connect the dots for readers and give this reviewer more of the history that’s winning me over.

Now, after reading Ravencroft #4, there were three great elements of this issue, one of which is a guest star hero that appeared as this installment closed, and another which was a cosmic bang as the issue opened. That said, the third aspect of the issue that I thoroughly enjoyed, which I haven’t mentioned yet, was the connection that the head Unwanted villain had with a certain World War 2 Superhero. Again, the history that Tieri introduces is so fascinating. I would love more information about that angle as well, which is ultimately my feelings as this issue concluded. The best parts of the comic aren’t the focus of the series and I find myself caring less and less about these Unwanted creatures that are supposed to be the epicenter of the series.

There were so many great angles and plot threads that Tieri touches on but just dangled out there, left alone, and didn’t finish. There are so many interesting elements that could be uncovered but I don’t see Tieri getting to all of them before the series is over… which is NEXT ISSUE! Plus, these other threads appear to be more interesting than the main villains, theme, and idea of the series. But, other than this issue being a very informative narrative, it was lacking in development, action, and suspense. However, what might have been lacking in the story certainly wasn’t lacking in art. Angel Unzueta’s illustrations were incredibly descriptive while Rachelle Rosenberg’s color choices really made the comic pop. The colors were exceptionally bright and detailed while Unzueta’s style lent itself well to a more realistic work with the characters throughout the issue.


I don’t know if it’s because comics have been on the back burner for so long or if I’ve just had an opportunity to be more positive during my Coronacation, but as a whole, I felt this issue wasn’t … that bad. It grabbed my attention, especially at the beginning, and it ended with a cliffhanger that was overall exciting and piqued my interest in the next issue. Artistically speaking, Unzueta had another stellar performance creating some truly dynamic and detailed illustrations along with Rosenberg’s vibrant color choices that bring the comic to life. However, overall, I’m just a bit confused as to the overall purpose of this comic and how Tieri is going to fit all the pieces together with one more issue to go. Its name may say Ravencroft and this series may take place there, but other than that this series seems to have lost its footing, direction, and purpose. That said, Frank Tieri needs to stick to his wheelhouse, which is creative history woven into the fabric of the current Marvel Landscape. He’s a rockstar in that arena and needs to kick off another Ravencroft series with that as it’s focus. Honestly, I’d pick this issue up only because I’m starving for new comics. Otherwise, if you haven’t been following along to this point, don’t dive in unless you’re looking for something new to read.


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