Miles Morales Spider-Man #15 Review

Writer: Saladin Ahmed
Art: David Curiel, VC’s Cory Petit, and Javier Garrón
Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 5th, 2020

Well, after the last issue’s big cliffhanger, it seems like Miles’ life is about to take a turn for the worse. However, as big as that cliffhanger was, my main question is, did Marvel hype up the big bad Ultimatum for nothing? It seems like his introduction would have been better in an annual or a single issue story so then, later on, we could get more of him. I guess the jury is still out on that, so let’s dive on in and see what we have here…


We begin our issue just where we left off last month, Mister Dutcher has Miles’ journal. The same journal that we all knew was the worst idea and would bite Miles in the butt eventually! I’m kind of glad that it wasn’t just a random person finding it, but before Miles and Mister Dutcher could discuss the journal, disaster strikes the school!

What’s going on? Green Goblins are causing some major havoc, and yes, I said, “Goblins.” Now, Ahmed, you have caught my attention!

The reason I love Miles is that he thinks like a hero first and rips off his clothing to look the part. If Dutcher didn’t put two and two together from the journal, there is no doubt he knows Miles is Spider-Man now! But too bad for Miles he gets knocked out before he could fully change.


The Green Goblins are not budging until they get their hands on Spidey, but in a nod to Sam Rami’s first Spider-Man movie, a group of people steps forward to help out. That gives Miles the time and distraction to swing into action!

The action is intense and plays out well on the page. We do learn a secret about the Goblin Henchmen that explains why they are so lame. While I liked this issue, it feels drawn out a bit right now, and I am hoping we can tie it up soon and move onto something else.

Final Thoughts:

I quite enjoyed this issue, but I am starting to get impatient with the overall story progression. The art is excellent, and so is the dialogue, and I can easily recommend it to Spider-Man fans and those who love Miles especially.


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