Fearless #2 Review

Writer: Seanan McGuire, Karla Pacheco, and Eve Ewing

Art: Iolanda Zanfardino, Claire Row, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Alitha Martinez

Price: $4.99

Release Date: August 21st, 2019

We’re here with issue two of Fearless, which features the Fiercest Ladies of the Marvel Universe. We continue our Campfire story, and also have a Night Nurse and an X-23 story. Let’s see what the Fearless ladies are up to!

Campfire Song pt 2:

We begin in Jersey City, NJ as Ms. Marvel arrives home just in time for supper after apprehending a sexist villain. Kamala’s mom tells her that she needs rest and that she’s enrolled Kamala at summer camp. Ms. Marvel then joins the group of girls at Camp Gloriana in Maine.

All the other superhero ladies who are the camps keynote speakers begin arriving at camp also. Storm, who is there because one of her former students is there. I won’t reveal who it is but have a feeling she may play an important role in the story as we move forward. Sue Storm and Carol Danvers also arrive. Pleasantries are exchanged and the camp’s programs are described as the ladies get acquainted with the camp and their hosts. While this is all happening Kamala secretly is checking things out on her own, and finds that Camp Gloriana may not be as pleasant a place as it seems. To be continued….

Night Nurse: A Cape of her own

The second story features Linda Carter as Night Nurse and takes place in Harlem, NYC at a clinic for heroes.

We get some backup story on how and why Linda set up the clinic as she chats with her longtime friend Steven Strange, who encourages her about her social life. We then find Linda in the middle of a battle at the clinic between Komodo, who she’s trying to help, and Stegron which goes from the clinic to American Museum of Natural History. Linda uses some ingenuity to solve her dilemma and gains a friend in the process. The End.


In our third story, we see Laura and Gabby at Obsidian Industries trying to take down tech companies which are using their DNA and also save any clones they may find.

We quickly find out there are no clones or DNA at the facility, but something else being held in a cage. Gabby and Laura vow to help. The end.

All three of these stories are pretty good. Cramming three stories plus some interviews in one oversized book mean the stories aren’t very long at all. The x-23 story is the shortest by far.

All the writers do a great job of giving just enough background that by the end of the story you know who the characters are. I haven’t read any stories with Gabby and Laura before but Eve Ewing certainly piqued my interest.

The 3-page interviews with the creators were a highlight for me too. These offered great insight into the minds of the women that created these stories. The more I feel like I know the creators whether in written interviews or podcasts the more I see their passion for comics.

The cover by Yasmine Putri is absolutely fabulous too! A mostly white background on a cover isn’t used often, it works great in this issue.

Final Thoughts:

A solid second issue. While this issue is jam-packed, I wish the X-23 story was longer. Looking forward to seeing how the camp story unfolds next month!


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