Captain Marvel #5 Review

Written by: Kelly Thompson
Art by: Carmen Carnero, Tamara Bonvillain and VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 8, 2019

While I really enjoyed the beginning of this opening arc from Kelly Thompson, it did take the arrival of Rogue to really pique my interest. Just the history those two have had set up some crazy moments and that continues this month. Does Carol take down Nuclear Man and does it all actually give Carol and Anna a better relationship going forward? Let’s find out…

We open with a little explanation of the one body Freaky Friday going on with Rogue/Captain Marvel while fists are flying. Nuclear Man in a piece of crap who doesn’t care who he punches, but he takes some good ones as well here.

The whole Vice Versa (yea, I am a sucker for brain switching movies) thing goes away after Rogue takes one to the chops and that means bad news for Nuclear Man as it’s one more gal to kick his awful ass!

While this is going down, Nuclear Man tells Carol that he has already put a bomb amongst them and while I give him credit for sticking to the brand, why would he tell them? He’s a big, awful dummy, that’s why! It’s pretty easy to guess what (or actually who) is the bomb and that leads to some really good character moments in this issue. Spoiler alert…It’s Som. The poor guy really just wanted to be a hero and while he is getting his chance here, he really won’t be around to get patted on the back or get a three picture movie deal. You see, you don’t get that stuff if you explode!

Kelly Thompson makes sure to check in with all the other heroes quick and I really like the way she handled Jennifer. The dome they are stuck in may have set up the TMad Max situation they are in, but Jenn actually makes some lemonade here and is enjoying not being She-Hulk for a bit. Sure, She-Hulk does (and will) come in handy, but it’s nice to see her have a little non-savage vacation even if it’s brief and crazy wack funky.

The issue kicks into high gear when Rogue figures out how to help Som which sets the dominos falling and hits the powers lightswitch into the on position. After seeing Nuclear Man taking advantage of our non-powered heroes for issues, it’s satisfying to see him on the losing end of it here. Speaking of which, Carmen Carnero gives us a really cool panel that is reminiscent of The Losers movie poster, but all I saw was the cover to Straight Outta Compton which is so, so awesome!

I’d love to say that Nuclear Man got everything he deserved, but he does get away at the end and he took his toys (and his son-bomb) with him. I really want them to go find Som, but by now, I think I’ve had my fill of Nuclear Man.

The best part of the issue is how Thompson deals with Rogue and Carol by the end of the issue. Carol’s narration is great and Thompson does not go the generic or easy way out and the two may have an understanding but are far from friends. That said, I want them to team up again and soon! The issue ends with some smooching and Ripley’s newspaper article that sets up the books next big story and mysterious villain…possibly happening after a bit of War of the Realms action.

I really enjoyed this conclusion and it’s all because of Kelly Thompson’s great characterizations and little touches of humor. Early on in this arc, the Nuclear Man seemed to suck the fun out of the story (that may indeed be another one of his powers), but the gals took it back, owned it and kicked major butt.

The art is another huge reason why I really enjoyed this issue and the series as a whole so far. Carmen Carnero’s pencils are sharp and easy to follow which helps with the massive fights with so many characters. Her character models are also really good and Tamara Bonvillain’s colors made it all pop.

Final Thoughts:

This was a really good ending to a story that got better and better as it progressed. Kelly Thompson brings her usually fun time to the book and her cast of characters is great. Add to all that some butt kicking art and this is a book I can easily recommend.


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