May 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits

May 2021 Marvel Comic Solicits: Check out all the Marvel Comics and mini series hitting stores this May and so much more! Check out the May 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits HERE! Continue reading May 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits

Heroes Reborn Solicits: Marvel Comics May 2021

Heroes Reborn Solicits: Marvel Comics May 2021 – Check out the new Marvel Comics event hitting stores this May and so much more! Check out the article HERE! Continue reading Heroes Reborn Solicits: Marvel Comics May 2021

Strange Academy #7 Review

Although pitched to most readers as “Hogwarts for Marvel” Skottie Young shows us why Strange Academy could never be like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. Simply put, Dr. Strange is no Professor Dumbledore. And to my knowledge Skottie Young is not transphobic. Continue reading Strange Academy #7 Review

Marvel Comics February 2021 Weekly Release Scheduled

Marvel Comics February 2021 Weekly Release Schedule: Here all the Marvel Comics arriving each week in the month of February. Check out the article HERE! Continue reading Marvel Comics February 2021 Weekly Release Scheduled

New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics April 2021

New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics April 2021: Check out all the BRAND NEW Marvel Comics hitting stores this April and so much more! Check out the article HERE! Continue reading New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics April 2021

Marvel Comics January 2021 Weekly Release Schedule

Marvel Comics January 2021 Weekly Release Schedule: Here all the Marvel Comics arriving each week in the month of January. Check out the article HERE! Continue reading Marvel Comics January 2021 Weekly Release Schedule

New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics March 2021

New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics March 2021: Check out all the BRAND NEW Marvel Comics hitting stores this March and so much more! Check out the article HERE! Continue reading New #1’s Hitting Marvel Comics March 2021

Strange Academy #6 Review

It’s quite depressing knowing that when I read a book called Strange Academy, I learn nothing about the Academy itself, I don’t get to see how possible future heroes actually learn the Mystic Arts, nor do I get to see the bonding of friendships that usually occur when a group of children go to the same school. Strange Academy is just not the right title, but I guess “Random kids I’m forcing you to learn about know magic” just doesn’t have any profitability. Continue reading Strange Academy #6 Review

Marvel Comics December 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

Marvel Comics December 2020 Weekly Release Schedule: Here all the Marvel Comics arriving each week in the month of December. Check out the article HERE! Continue reading Marvel Comics December 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

February 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits

February 2021 Marvel Comic Solicits: Check out all the Marvel Comics hitting stores this February and so much more! Check out the February 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits HERE! Continue reading February 2021 Marvel Comics Solicits

Strange Academy #5 Review

Written by: Skottie Young Art by: Humberto Ramos Colors by: Edgar Delgado Letters by: VC’s Clayton Cowles Release Date: 11/11/20 Price: $3.99 This title is mildly frustrating for the soul fact that we have a group of quirky amazing individuals who are suppose to be attending a magical academy to learn about all things magic, and all of that is in between the panels. The … Continue reading Strange Academy #5 Review

Strange Academy #4 Review

Writer: Scottie Young Artist: Humberto Ramos Colorist: Edgar Delgado Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles Release Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $3.99 Is this “Strange Academy” or “Strange irrelevant events”? Comic shops pitched this title as the “Harry Potter of current Marvel Comics”, and “Think X Academy but with all of your magic heroes.” This title has hit a lull after it’s second issue and although Scottie Young has … Continue reading Strange Academy #4 Review

Marvel Comics November 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

Marvel Comics November 2020 Weekly Release Schedule: Here all the Marvel Comics arriving each week in the month of November. Check out the article HERE! Continue reading Marvel Comics November 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

Marvel Comics October 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

Marvel Comics October 2020 Weekly Release Schedule- Check out the Marvel Comics arriving each week this OCTOBER 2020 right HERE! Continue reading Marvel Comics October 2020 Weekly Release Schedule

Sneak Peek: Strange Academy #3 Advanced Preview

Sneak Peek: Strange Academy #3 Advanced Preview: Anyone who has been to New Orleans knows that it’s a magical place, but the students of STRANGE ACADEMY are about to see it firsthand. Check out the Strange Academy #3 Advanced Preview HERE! Continue reading Sneak Peek: Strange Academy #3 Advanced Preview