Savage Avengers #3 Review

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Art: Mike Deodato Jr., Frank Martin, VC’s Travis Lanham, David Finch 

Price: $3.99

Release Date: July 3rd, 2019

Kulan Gath’s trap for the deadliest warriors in the Marvel Universe is sprung, and if humanity is to survive, the Savage Avengers must slay a god all in this week’s SAVAGE AVENGERS #3 by Gerry Duggan. Let’s jump into the issue to see if Elektra can corral the team into an effective fighting force.


The Marrow God has risen and all it took was a gaping chest wound of a Cimmerian, the blood of a dwarves champion with sneak blades from Pabst, and the Punisher no-scoping some Hand Ninjas. Holy Crom, this issue went full steam ahead and never looked back. Gerry Duggan piled on the action while Mike Deadato Jr. created vigorously spirited and intensely animated battle sequences that had each fight scene leap off the page. Readers that came for insane action, savage combat, and some cleverly ingenious merging of some of Marvel’s most unique characters, got just that and so much more!

Readers will blow through this issue in record time however, that is not a negative from this reviewer. The dialogue fits with the characters and Duggan understands the toys in his toy box so well. Fans genuinely can hear the voice of each character vividly while easily being guided through each panel with a perfect blend of Duggan’s story and Deodato’s masterfully dark and bloody art. Sure, the issue reads fast but this reviewer recommends at least one more immediate look to truly see Deodato’s detail throughout each panel.

From Conan using Wolverine as a weapon to Venom merging with the sullen-eyed Cimmerian, this issue showed fans things they’ve never seen before in any comic while strategically dropping little nuggets of humor to spice up the issue. New readers to both Conan and Venom get to see an honorable side that they may not have ever known before. In addition, watching the Black Genie team up with the Hyborian Barbarian is something this reviewer NEVER thought he would EVER see in comics and continues to draw me deeper into the story.


If you appreciate Pabst Blue Ribbon, you’ll love this issue. If you enjoy nonstop action, you’ll enjoy the heck out of this. If you enjoy sly humor stuck in at the most perfect times, you’ll laugh out loud during this one! If you can’t get enough of creative storytelling, gifted artistic genius, and a team-up that comic readers could have never dreamed up, this issue AND series are for you! I said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know how long this ride will last but if anyone can make his road trip continue, it’s Duggan and Deodato! This issue is exciting, off the wall, and extremely riveting. Head to your LCS, pick this up, and add it to your pull list! You’ll be glad you did.


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