Amazing Spider-Man #23 Review

Writer: Nick Spencer
Art: Ryan Ottley
Inks by: Cliff Rathburn
Colors by: Nathan Fairburn
Letters by: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 12, 2019

With the Hunted story (almost) over, there are a couple of things I really am looking forward to seeing in this book. The main thing is finding out what is going on with MJ and if Peter can get there in time to save her. It also would be nice to see what happens to all those animal-based baddies who are left hanging in Central Park. So, do I get what I want from this epilogue issue? Let’s find out…

The issue opens with Kraven’s burial and everyone is in black, including Kraven who is still in the black spidey suit he was killed in. Speaking of that, Kraven’s clone son (I will call him Kraven Jr.) does not seem to be happy about being his father’s true heir. He runs off and beats up a bunch of stuffed animals. Yea, it’s a lot more badass than it sounds!

Meanwhile, the baddies in Central Park are going to have to deal with the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and more. These guys can’t catch a break! It might be a little too quick and clean for some who invested months into the story, but we do get some cool moments…the Vulture getting the gang back together, Taskmaster and Black Ant being BFFs again, and Billy returning home to his mother.

We finally get to Peter and he is thinking the worst as he heads to MJ. Thing is, things do look really bad when he gets the apartment and… Hey, I’m not going to spoil it, but I will tell you it looks like what Peter saw in the herb-induced visions has only just begun. Cue the Carpenters!

Nick Spencer ends the issue with Kraven Jr. ditching the junior and, in a sort of last will and testament from his father, becoming The Beast, Sergei Kravinoff. It’s a shame that he had to cut that awesome head of hair, but we do get him in the greatest lion’s head vest ever made by the end. I really want a “who wore it better” segment somewhere!

Oh yeah, that’s not the true ending. There is an epilogue to this epilogue and it shows the reader that one animal based villain was spared by Kraven in all of this and he looks like he is off to cause a little of the ultra-violence.

After getting a bit bogged down by the Hunt story overall, I really enjoyed this issue. It was fast paced and gave me a lot of what I wanted coming out of the big event. It does set up a bunch of threads going forward and while the scattered nature of this series has been a problem for me, I like all of these threads so I will remain cautiously optimistic. Ryan Ottley’s clean art fits this epilogue well and there are some really nice big panels and full pages that look fantastic. Just a quick shoutout to Nathan Fairburn on colors as well…the colors really pop on a bunch of pages and help it all look fantastic.

Final Thoughts:

Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley give us an epilogue to The Hunted story that everyone who is reading Amazing needs to check out, whether they stuck with The Hunted or not. Spencer plants a bunch of future story seeds while wrapping up his event and Ottley makes it all look great. It’s rare that an epilogue makes me more excited for the book going forward, but it did just that.


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