Black Panther vs. Deadpool #5 Review

Writer: Daniel Kibblesmith
Artist: Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 27, 2019

I have really enjoyed this mini-series and am sad to see it finish up. It’s become my go-to Black Panther book while the other one pretends to be Star Wars and the humor has tickled my funny bone each time a new issue comes out. So, does Daniel Kibblesmith stick the landing? Let’s find out…

The issue opens with Black Panther trying to deal with the fact that the great mound is now located in New Jersey and Deadpool (who is actually still Pantherpool) trying to cash in on just that. Wade has set up a little stand that looks more like he should be giving out Psychiatric Help for 5 cents than selling Vibranium and I wouldn’t want it any other way!

While he might have some takers if he could just figure out how to mine it, Black Panther shows up to shut him down, turn him back into plain old Deadpool and fight! It’s not all fighting as Deadpool gets hit by various motor vehicles as well. I guess he is “fighting traffic”, right?!?

The banter between T’Challa and Wade is great as it has been throughout the series and Kibblesmith manages to change the scenery up by taking us to the Land of the Dead for a bit of soul searching.

Yea, the story takes a more personal turn as Wade worries he doesn’t have a soul and Kibblesmith uses that as a way to wrap things up a bit even if it is all a ruse. The issue ends with the MCU getting a hell of a stronger mailman, T’Challa getting back his Mound and Deadpool getting the last word…and laugh.

This was another really good issue. Sure, the ending is very convenient and could have happened three issues ago, but what fun would that have been? That’s pretty much what I got out of this issue and the whole series, a whole bunch of fun! If you are fine with that and want a book that also looks fantastic, I suggest picking this mini up.

Final Thoughts:

A fun ending to a very fun mini-series. If you are looking for a cool team-up book whose main goal is to make you laugh, pick this up. I am very glad that I did!


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