All-Out Avengers #1 Review

Writer: Derek Landy
Cover Artist: Greg Land
Inker: Jay Leisten
Colorist: Frank D’Armata
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Reviewer: Carl Bryan

“I flew a Spaceship!” – Spiderman
“No, you didn’t!” – The Black Panther


Introducing the all-new Avengers series that starts in the middle of the explosive action and races to a shocking climax!
An alien attack…a missing piece of wormhole tech…a city warped…its citizens transformed into hideous creatures loyal to an Empress from the far side of the universe!
All this and Captain Marvel with murder in her eyes as she looks at her fellow Avengers.
Plunge into the action and take a deep breath true believers, as you will not be allowed up for air as this new series kicks off in its strongest way possible!


Derek Landy provides us a pedal-to-the-metal beginning as the first shot we see is Captain Marvel adorned with a spiked look like we have never seen. Part Porcupine/Symbiote infected, she is reminiscent of a Supergirl punked out in the 1990s run we saw over in DC. However, this is drawn much much better. Picture Brie Larsen with disheveled hair, some fangs, and some really intense eye makeup!

In fact, Greg Land and Derek Landy do a great job in telling a story that is both allegiant to the comics but allows the casual Marvel fan who adores the movies to jump in. Fortunately, or unfortunately, given one’s lenses, we can hear the voices of all the actors in this book.
To me, it enriches the dialogue as Thor’s wit, Spiderman’s innocent barbs, and Black Panther playing it straight make the exchanges so much better.

Positives 2.0:

The rhythm of the story is pretty formulaic; however, we have the Avengers separated into a group of three. Blade (looking like a Wesley Snipe homage from the movies) is a bit disheveled from being atomized in teleportation to battle. It is reminiscent of Michael Crichton’s Timeline novel where the characters are transported as particles from one point to another. Love that Spider-Woman and Spider-Man are part of the Avengers in this book!!!

Spiderman and T’challa’s banter is perfect as they play perfectly off each other. To plunge the Avengers apart and for the reader to join them in mid-battle is a great ploy to suck us into an action story with an “all out” format. We know our characters, and we know their powers. We just want action out of this book, and we get it!


I am at a loss here as each Avenger has the appropriate amount of panel time in each frame. I like that Captain Marvel is the initial source of conflict. The script fits the title and there isn’t a lot of brooding. It’s a fun comic!

Final Thoughts:

I’m excited about this book as it provides readers a cinema homage as well as a relaxed Avengers team. Sure…Arrok makes a pretty awesome villain and how she can consolidate her army…that is reminiscent of an Ant-Man maneuver. Again, this is a fun read and one in which any Avenger fan who wishes to lighten the load of a heavy dialogue comic can get into!


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