Black Widow #1 Review

Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Elena Casagrande, Jordie Bellaire, and VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 2, 2020

Black Widow finally hits the stands this week, and I am so glad! I am a huge fan of the character and can’t wait to see what Kelly Thompson and Elena Casagrande have in store for her. So, how was the first issue? Let’s find out…

The first thing I think everyone will notice is Casagrande’s awesome art. If you are a fan of Chris Samnee’s Black Widow, this will be right in your wheelhouse. Things kick off with a cold open with Nat sneaking and fighting her way to a hard drive for a couple of Avengers. It’s always cool to see Captain America and Black Widow working together, but Hawkeye’s subtle little panels were even better. They also set up the ongoing story after Black Widow has a bit of trouble in her apartment a little bit later.

I liked this opening a whole lot. This book is coming out to coincide with the Black Widow movie, and it kicks off with a tremendous cinematic opening. It gives most fans what they want in a Black Widow book right off the bat and right before the rug gets pulled out from under us, and Natasha!

Yea, things change drastically, and without spoiling too much, Black Widow goes away for a bit. Nat is still there front and center, but Kelly Thompson is working up a mystery about what exactly happened to our hero. The reader isn’t the only one working on the case, either. Hawkeye and Winter Soldier are going to be heavily involved, and that is fine with me! I love both characters and can’t wait for their back-and-forth! It also ties in nicely with previous stories, which is always a huge bonus.

The rest of the issue sets up the new (and not entirely real) status quo for Black Widow, and I can already see the problem of trying to save someone who may not want to be saved… even if they don’t even know it yet.

Final Thoughts:

I loved this opening issue and can’t wait to read more! Kelly Thompson starts her story without bogging it down with over narration and recap, making it feel fresh for new readers and seasoned Black Widow fans alike. It also keeps things moving fast, and when I got to the cliffhanger, I couldn’t believe it was over! Elena Casagrande’s art was excellent, and this one immediately jumped to the top of my pull list.


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