Star Wars: TIE Fighter #3 Review


Written by Jody Houser
Art by Roge Antonio and Geraldo Borges
Colors by Arif Prianto and Lee Loughridge
Letters by Joe Caramanga
Cover by Tommy Lee Edwards
Edited by Mark Paniccia
Assistant Editor Tom Groneman

This is the third of 5 issues in this TIE Fighter mini series from
Marvel Star Wars. The structure of the books is an extended
installment on a main story, and then a short back up story to
emphasize a particular plot point or character study. It’s an
effective enough structure but there has been a pervading sense
through the first two issues that the story is only starting to get
going before it comes to a close in an issue and the back up story starts.


This issue continues that trend, but there is a higher degree of momentum that has now built up across the three installments to date. This issue also sees Houser pen a much more action-packed sequence with the Squadron addressing the mutiny that they uncovered in the Imperial ranks last issue. There are also losses on the scale that makes this issue feel like an episode of Game of Thrones with big character losses coming in this issue. Meanwhile the backup story shed some light on Broosh, the leader of the Squadron and the issues that he may have previously had with adopting that leadership role. The back up issue really lends a lot of gravitas to the main story this issue.

The artwork is solid throughout this book and there is a very nice use of depicting the Squadron’s dialogue in space with the faces shown through transparent TIE fighter masks (much like that used to allow the viewer to see Robert Downey Jnr in the MCU). I’m not sure if this has been used before in the comic books for Star Wars but it was nice to see here. Special mention to the cover art by Tommy Lee Edwards that has been beautiful throughout.


All in all this issue does more to drive the momentum forward for the series, but one can’t help escape the feeling that this is much more of a starter than a main course, and there is a real sense now that this might work better in trade format. Still, it is an interesting book and it is definitely worth continuing to read if you have invested in it to date.


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