Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #13 Review

  • Written by: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
  • Art by: Alina Erofeeva
  • Colors by: Nolan Woodard
  • Letters by: VC’s Joe Caramagna
  • Cover art by: Carmen Carnero, Alejandro Sánchez
  • Cover price: $3.99
  • Release date: June 7, 2023

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #13 brings Sam and Steve back together after a brutal fight, only to be confronted by King Wolf’s forces, an avalanche, and much more.

Is It Good?

File Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #13 under “random things happening without explanation,” which means Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly have fully lost the plot of what they’re trying to do in this “event.” Honestly, this issue is filled with plenty of scenes where it feels like things are happening, but the developments don’t feel connected, and some come out of nowhere. Let’s begin.

When last we left Steve and Sam, they engaged in an issue-long brawl because Steve wanted to charge ahead to rescue Ian, leaving an injured Misty and Sharon behind. Sam chose to fight Steve to a standstill instead of helping Misty and Sharon. Sam ultimately won.

Now, Steve gets back up and apologizes to Sam (which means the previous issue accomplished nothing except try to prove Sam is impossibly stronger than Steve), and the four allies march forth to King Wolf’s castle. Meanwhile, Black Widow and Peggy Carter nearly come to blows over Peggy’s part in kidnapping Ian, and Bucky FaceTime’s the other members of the Outer Circle to gloat over his impending victory. Also, White Wolf turns into a werewolf… for some reason.

That description alone should be enough to make the point, but in case it isn’t clear, there’s more. When Steve gets back up after his beating at Sam’s hands, he runs to meet his allies and causes an avalanche in the process.

How did Steve start an avalanche by simply walking? Unknown.

Peggy and Misty (miraculously recovered from their injuries) survive the avalanche by laying down next to a crystal outcropping to form a force field. How did they know to do that? Unknown.

Peggy and Black Widow are standing around in a room in King Wolf’s castle when they start to argue over Peggy’s actions. Why are they standing around in the same room not doing anything? Unknown.

Bucky FaceTime’s the other members of the Outer Circle to tell them he’s secured the Neganite source and won, but then switches gears to tell them he hasn’t secured the Neganite yet. Why? Unknown.

White Wolf aka King Wolf slowly turns into a werewolf over the course of the issue. Why? Unknown.

Again and again and again, you see developments (some big, some small) pop up in this issue that either don’t make sense or lack explanation. Presumably, this all leads to a final battle with King Wolf, so it feels like a lot of nonsense filler to kill time before the final issue.

I could critique the comic purely on the writing’s technical merit, but there’s no point. Well-executed randomness is indistinguishable from poorly-executed randomness.

As for the art, at least it’s good. Erofeeva and Woodard are doing the Lord’s work trying to keep this mess of a script interesting. The action is kinetic, and the panel compositions are top-notch.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #13 delivers the penultimate chapter in the Cold War event with an issue that invalidates previous actions and jams a collection of disconnected, random scenes together without explanation or sense. At best, this issue is a time waster to get to the finale.


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