Tiger Division #2 Review

Written by: Emily Kim
Art by: Creees Lee
Colors by: Yen Nitro
Letters by: VC’s Ariana Maher
Cover art by: Creees Lee, Woo Dae Shim
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: December 7, 2022

Tiger Division #2 sets the team against a squad of robots determined to capture Tae for some mysterious purpose. The team will soon learn that the ambush was sponsored by a company with ties to Tae’s past.

Is It Good?

Tiger Division #2 is pretty darn good. Not mind-blowingly great or super terrible. Tiger Division #2 is a nice, solid, fun, well-put-together superhero comic with a Korean flair.

Emily Kim’s script breaks down into three separate acts. First, we get a big battle between Tiger Division and the robot attackers where we get to see a little more of the team’s capabilities in action and learn the attack was meant to capture Tae. Second, the team researches the attack, which triggers a series of flashbacks from Tae’s past when he hears a name mentioned connected to the robots. Third, Tae goes rogue to visit the MTO Corporation to confirm a connection to his past he hoped wasn’t true.

It’s all good stuff and rock-solid comic storytelling, so kudos to Kim for setting an all-too-rare example in a cluttered superhero comic market. The dialog is good, the pacing is excellent, the plot is expertly developed, and each character gets at least a moment or two to take center stage for character development.

Likewise, Lee and Nitro hit the proverbial nail on the head with rock-solid superhero action. The battle moments are thrilling, and the quiet conversations are well-acted and engaging. In practically every way, most modern superhero comics should model the structure of this issue.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces

Tiger Division #2 is a rock-solid superhero adventure comic with a balanced mix of superheroics, character development, intrigue, and mystery. The writing elements are on-point, and the art is top-notch.


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