Savage Spider-Man #1 Mini Review

Writer: Joe Kelly
Artist: Gerardo Sandoval
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 2, 2022

Non-Stop Spider-Man had a cool enough concept… make a high-paced Spidey comic where it’s pretty much one continuous action scene with no rest in sight! Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be much thought beyond the concept and the series suffered because of that (and also lots of delays). Well, Savage Spider-Man is a continuation of that story and after one issue, it looks like it’s suffering from the same concept over substance problem.

At the end of Non-Stop, Peter was injected with A+, and instead of getting smart, he turned into a monstrosity! He’s a Man-Spider now and it’s disgusting, but not in a fun way. He and Baron Zemo are stuck on the Island of Misfit Monsters and while Zemo talks trash, Spider-Man is feral and going…SAVAGE!!! We do see the bad guys behind it all and their hateful plan, but the only thing worth seeing is Rafa Sandoval’s art.

Sure, I like this issue more than most of Non-Stop, but that is a low bar right there!


4 thoughts on “Savage Spider-Man #1 Mini Review

      1. Lol. I was at least able to stick it out for all of Non-stop. I don’t even think I’d be able to get through a second issue of this 😂


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