Devil’s Reign #1 Review

Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Marco Checchetto
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: December 8, 2021

I am a huge Chip Zdarsky fan, and when we started our podcast, Daredevil was one of the ones that we were all excited to talk about each month. That never changed, and even when Zdarsky sent Matt to prison, Electra stepped in as Daredevil and made the book feel fresh. Of course, if you are a fan of this run, the news that Chip was going off to substack was a kick to the groin, but luckily, we at least get this Devil’s Reign event to tie things up. Multiple storylines twisting and turning amongst each other have been the cornerstone of this book, and most of them seem like they will converge here, and it’s bound to be explosive. So how was this first issue? Let’s find out…

Wilson Fisk doesn’t like being punked. I think everyone, including Ashton Kutcher, knows that. Well, while Fisk was on his honeymoon with Typhoid Mary, he found out Daredevil had punked him big time! The blank and nonsensical pages in a folder marked “Daredevil’s Identity” have driven Fisk to take drastic measures, and thus we get Devil’s Regn.

While I was expecting a little more reason to kick this all off, it’s what Fisk does that had me scratching my head a bit. He makes Superheroes illegal in New York City. While it immediately pushes Civil War vibes, it also feels like the recent Outlawed story (referenced by Fisk), but it also was part of the Charles Soule run right before Zdarsky and even feels like what’s been going on at DC Comics the past year. So, I am saying it feels overdone before it even begins!

That’s not the only issue I have because there seems to be an odd time jump from the last Daredevil issue. It’s strange because some things feel like more time has passed than others. The Fisk stuff makes sense in that he would be pushing his agenda hot and heavy, but things like his illegitimate son, Butch, feel like he’s been Kingpin for a while already. Plus, Butch seems to have bought a thesaurus during that time because his dialogue feels off.

The big things, though, work out well. The heroes react and gather to the new law, and I thought that the parts with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were great. Seeing Fisk use his Thunderbolts is a bold move but ties in nicely to the King in Black event that made that possible.

Even with some cool stuff going on, this first issue feels rushed and forced, which is the opposite of what fans might expect from Chip Zdarsky. Because of that, I was a bit disappointed by this first issue. Zdarsky has earned my trust, though, and since this felt so different from what he usually writes, I am guessing things were rushed, and it will get better as we advance.

You can check out our latest Podcast episode to hear us talk about Devil Reign #1 in more detail – Click here or search “Weird Science Marvel Comics anywhere you listen to podcasts

Final Thoughts:

Devil’s Reign #1 was a mild disappointment, and as a huge Zdarsky Daredevil fan, that sucks. However, I think I’ve come to expect a lot, and this felt rushed and a bit forced at points. Nevertheless, it looks fantastic thanks to Marco Chechetto’s art, and while I was a little bit down here, I expect things to improve quickly.


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