Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Alpha #1 Review

Writer: Charles Soule
Artist: Steve McNiven
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 5, 2021

I love most things Star Wars, and while some of the books aren’t hitting with me lately, I love what Charles Soule and company have set up in the Star Wars Universe. The connected stories have made it feel right, so a crossover event is not as crazy sounding as it could be. So, after reading this prelude issue, how excited am I for the biggest Star Wars comics event ever? Let’s see…

Right away, it’s cool to see Boba Fett and carbonate Han! The art looks great, and we’ve already seen in a couple of books that Boba hasn’t made it to Jabba yet, which is one of those cool concepts that I never thought about. As a kid, I just assumed that Boba went right to Jabba’s Palace and was chilling for a bit. However, with the number of books in this crossover, that is obviously not the case.

So, what problems does Boba encounter? Well, there are carbonite issues that lead to money issues that lead to gladiator fighting issues that lead to… let’s say that by the end of the issue, things are not going well for Fett. The thing that Charles Soule has done so well on the main Star Wars book is keeping you on the edge of your seat when ultimately, we know what will eventually happen, and this start is no exception. Spoiler alert, Boba gets Han to Jabba, but now we get to see something new to fill in the cracks.

While I enjoyed this issue, it was not perfect. There are exciting scenes but also forced setup to get to them. It also felt like a sprint to the cliffhanger. I understand this is only a prelude, but some cool scenes were left feeling like filler by the end. Overall, though, the art was great, and the cliffhanger does get me excited to see what happens next.

Final Thoughts:

The War of the Bounty Hunters is underway, and while this prelude felt rushed to get to the cliffhanger, I had fun with it. The art was great, and after reading it, I am excited about the crossover event.


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