King-Size Conan #1 Review

Writer: Richard Thomas, Kurt Busiek, Chris Claremont, Kevin Eastman, and Steven S. DeKnight

Art: Steve McNiven, Pete Woods, Roberto de la Torre, Kevin Eastman, Jesus Saiz, and Andrew Robinson


Price: $6.99

Release Date: December 23rd, 2020

It was 50 years ago when Marvel Comics first published CONAN THE BARBARIAN. And through that time, as well as a multitude of story arcs, the great Cimmerian has taken many titles. He’s been a Barbarian, a Thief, a Mercenary, a Destroyer, a Pirate, and even a King. KING-SIZE CONAN #1 is a wonderful celebration of the character with 5 mini-stories summarizing the characteristics that make Conan one of the greatest warriors to ever grace the pages of Marvel Comics. Let’s cut a swathe through this beastly issue and see what remains before Crom!

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

Each mini tale takes a different perspective and angle, as well as characteristics, of Conan throughout the years. Now, some are better than others. However, overall, each writer did their part in portraying specific aspects of Conan that have been the focus throughout the past 50 years. If I was to sprinkle in my thoughts towards the individual stories involved, I would have to say my favorite anecdote of the bunch would be Chris Claremont’s. Claremont showed the barbarian’s strength but more importantly his compassion that’s always right underneath the surface.

Sure, Conan may come off as a large mountain of a man that shouldn’t be trifled with. However, to anyone who’s ever read CONAN comics for an extended period, they’d know he’s so much more. Claremont’s story becomes a touching display that simply stuck with this fan after reading all 5 mini tales and I believe it will do the same for all of you. In 9 pages, Claremont was able to highlight so many of the key elements that make Conan such an amazing character. If your thumbing through the issue in the store, jump to the third story immediately and I’m sure you’ll be hooked.

Nonetheless, the best art comes from Jesús Saiz and his tale with Conan and Bélit on the open sea. Saiz’s art was so crisp, realistic, and detailed. Additionally, Saiz had so much to play with on the open water. From raging apes to mysterious demonic forces, Saiz had the opportunity to showcase his talents masterfully. Furthermore, the story was probably this reviewer’s runner-up of the 5 mini titles. I wouldn’t mind seeing a Steven McKnight/ Jesús Saiz CONAN title on the horizon. It was another extraordinary tale showing the true zenith of Conan’s persona.


Readers, this KING-SIZE CONAN is merely a homage to all facets of the character. It’s a perfect comic for any long time CONAN fan to relive all the different “horned helmets” that have made up the character. Heck, Roy Thomas and Kurt Busiek even lead the charge with their expertise! Additionally, it’s a fantastic comic for readers who’ve never taken the deep dive into the character to simply be thrown headfirst into the deep end of what makes Conan who he truly is. Overall, the issue is rock solid… other than the art in Kevin Eastman’s story. Eastman’s art is certainly an acquired taste, to say the least. Nevertheless, this oversized issue is chalked full of Conan greatness making it a perfect gift this Holiday to any CONAN fan. Pick it up and let me know what you think.


If you’re interested in KING-SIZED CONAN #1, click on the Amazon link HERE. Or, if you’re interested in other Conan titles, click HERE to snag a copy of a variety of the very best trades, graphic novels, and digital issues. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Thank you all for the read and continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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