Winter Soldier #5 Review

Written by: Kyle Higgins
Art by: Rod Reis and VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 10, 2019

This is a mini series that has gotten me more and more with each issue. At first, the idea of Bucky running a sort of Underground Railroad for ex-Hydra operatives didn’t appeal to me, but once we got RJ, the story really picked up. This finale is one of those issues, however, that I am excited to jump into but even more afraid to find out what happens. Here we go…

The issue opens up with RJ waiting for his father and the reader knowing that he’s going to be waiting for a real long time. Yep, the end of last issue wasn’t a twist, Richie is dead. While Bucky and Sharon figure out what to do, Bucky takes a walk down memory lane and RJ gets a blast from the past himself…Mr. Colt!

We get a prolonged fight with RJ and Colt and it left me, once again, wishing that someone else besides Rod Reis was doing art on this series. It’s not terrible, it just doesn’t do anything to accentuate what is going on here.

The fight ends with Colt promising to show RJ where his dad is and I am wondering how he got all these pictures of Bucky and the body! That quickly leads to RJ confronting Bucky and another fight. Actually, Bucky won’t fight so RJ just leaves.

The issue ends with RJ getting his revenge and Bucky trying to make things right, even as he knows he may have messed everything up. It’s an emotional ending that leaves the door open for the story to continue so we will have to just wait and see.

This was a very quick read and at times, it felt like Kyle Higgins was racing to the finish. I liked this mini overall, but it did feel more like an arc in an ongoing series than a planned from the beginning mini. Still, the story of RJ was good and I got some earned feels along the way.

Final Thoughts:

This was a good ending to a good mini series that felt like it was supposed to be something more. I was not a fan of the art, but if you are a Winter Soldier fan, this is worth checking out.


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