Blade #4 Review

  • Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
  • Art by: Valentina Pinti, Elena Casagrande
  • Colors by: KJ Díaz
  • Letters by: VC’s Cory Petit
  • Cover art by: Elena Casagrande, Jordie Bellaire
  • Cover price: $3.99
  • Release date: October 10, 2023

Blade #4 takes a train ride of terror when Blade and his allies invade Hamilton Achilles’s never-stopping bullet train to steal Lucifer’s Sword.

Is Blade #4Good?

Yes, sure, Blade #4 is fine. Blade gets on the train (with Doctor Strange’s help), Blade kills all the baddies, Blade gets off the train, and we’re off to the next stage of the mission.

When last we left Blade and his determined friends, Tulip let slip that the only weapon capable of beating Adana is a sword owned by the Devil himself, the Lucifer Sword. The sword currently resides with Hamilton Achilles – a nasty character who lives on a bullet train that never stops. Oh, Hamilton and all his men are vampires.

Now, Blade gets on the train, slices and dices everything in his path, and gets off the train before racing off to confront Adana.

With apologies for the flippant intro, the down point of this issue is its predictable execution and outcome. You never get the sense that Blade and his cronies were in any real danger. You never questioned whether or not Blade would get the sword. And although the perfunctory action is just fine, the overall issue lacks dramatic tension.

There’s not much else to say other than the art by Pinti and Casagrande is pretty solid and a welcome difference from the standard Marvel house style.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces

Blade #4 is a standard, predictable next step in Blade’s quest to take down Adana. The art’s super and the action is energetic, but the utter predictability of the outcome neuters any excitement.


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