Star Wars #66 Review


Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Angel Unzueta
Colors by Guru-eFX
Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover art by Gerald Parel
Edited by Mark Paniccia
Assistant Editor: Tom Groneman

Last issue saw the continuation of the battle for Shu-Toran with Leia’s strike team progressing in their attempt to foil the Empire and Queen Trios. That said they faced some difficulties from their own side, with Bethnic’s Partisans aiming to exceed Leia’s objective to take down the Spike…in favor of destroying the entire planet. This issue takes off with the Rebels, Partisans and Trios’ forces all coming under heavy Imperial bombardment from Kanchar’s forces above the planet.


The first wave of intrigue in this issue comes when Trios realizes that Kanchar is going to proceed with his blockade regardless of whether Trios is caught up in the action or not, assuring her that even if something happens to her he will simply be able to deal with the next “pampered aristocrat” that takes over from her. The story then proceeds on a parallel approach. One track progresses the plot of Luke and his work with Bethnic and his Partisans, work that could be going more smoothly for young Skywalker who is accompanied by Artoo (who plays a pivotal role). The other story a tale of two strong female leaders with Leia and Trios facing off against each other for the last time, with some pretty nice mirroring between the two characters in both the art and storyline.


What is so appealing about this series is that the storyline is exciting, plausible and peppered with connectivity with the wider saga and the Original Trilogy films. It has broad appeal because it is set within the most popular period in the franchise. The art now consistently captures both brilliantly rendered and instantly familiar depictions of Han, Luke and Leia. Mark Paniccia’s stewardship of the Star Wars titles has produced amazing results of late, but this title forms the spine of the whole line and it is great to see a book keep delivering such a consistent hit of the essential spirit of Star Wars.


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